The World Health Organization declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic on March 11th, 2020, owing to the disease's rapid spread. Before that, it began as an outbreak in mainland China, with the first case being reported on February 26th in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

This virus poses a direct threat to the operation of communities all across the world. Job losses and their implications on families, changes in the style of education as attendance and engagement have migrated to online and distance learning, and many other changes in people's life are examples of such repercussions.

Nurses are on the front lines and are responsible for delivering holistic care for many patients, whether in everyday routine or during crises. The epidemic has affected individuals' physical and mental health and well-being, as well as that of medical personnel.

In the fight against illnesses and pandemics, nurses continue to play a key role. They provide primary care and therapy to patients. They also analyze patients' needs and make sure that important medications are delivered on time.

They appear to be a breakthrough, as COVID-19 instances in the United Kingdom and the United States of America have been steadily declining over the last month.

The drop in COVID-19 cases in much of the world during the last ten weeks is a sign that the disease is being beaten back. Vaccines are proving to be effective and scaling quickly, bending the curve in several areas.

Nurses and other health professionals will experience relief because of the COVID-19 slump. This is because there have been significant developments in the last month or so:

Vaccines are effective. Real-world data from Israel and the United Kingdom, which show a sharp reduction in hospitalizations and deaths, adds to the growing body of evidence that vaccines are effective. The vaccination program is progressing. Inoculation campaigns have become more widespread, particularly in the United States.

While "breakthrough" infections in vaccinated people are uncommon, they are likely to occur in a small percentage of cases. However, immunizations are expected to protect against severe symptoms.

According to a New York Times database, vaccination rates have increased by approximately 40% in the last month, reaching an average of 2.3 million shots each day as of Friday, up from an average of around 1.7 million doses per day on Feb. 12.

However, now that vaccine supply is approaching the demand of the eligible, the government faces the task of getting all those shots into arms, an operation that necessitates not only enough doses, but also better access to communities of color, as well as space, manpower, and message to persuade Americans who are hesitant for several reasons that vaccination is safe and effective.

Across the country, mass vaccination stations are already opening and growing, and some locations are extending the hours during which vaccinations are accessible.

What Does Vaccinations Emergence and Effectiveness Mean for Nurses?

Nurses play an important role in patient care, therefore it's hardly unusual that they'd offer Covid-19 immunization advice and counseling.

Nursing practitioners need to stay up to date on current immunization news, safety issues, and current vaccination data from reliable sources. To assure comprehension, alleviate fear, and support compliance, communication is an important aspect of patient care.

Nurses can still enjoy the summer, relax, and spend time with their families while ensuring that the Covid-19 health regulations are followed to the latter, and assisting other health professionals in vaccinating residents to entirely eradicate the deadly pandemic called Covid.

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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