Putting in an application for medical school is a significant accomplishment, but there is one more hurdle you must clear before you can receive your acceptance letter and begin shopping for stethoscopes for medical students. The medical school interview is intended to be nerve-wracking and stressful, so it is critical that you prepare thoroughly for it before going in. Below, we provide our best advice for acing the medical interview, followed by a compilation of more than 70 frequently asked medical school interview questions.


Interview Techniques for Medical School

Preparation and practice are essential for acing your medical school interview. Listed below are our recommendations to help you ace your medical school interview:


Prepare for a mock interview by practicing.

You don't want to walk into the interview with a cold shoulder. Practicing with a coach or a friend can help you become more acquainted with the interview style and will also assist you in crafting your responses to the most frequently asked interview questions. On the other hand, you don't want to practice so much that your responses start to seem rehearsed and unauthentic.  

Dress in a professional manner.

During the interview, you are not required to dress in medical garb. Make a conscious decision to dress in business attire that you would wear to any other job interview: blazers, button-up shirts, tweed chinos and khakis, pencil skirts, dress shoes, and so on. To avoid being distracted from your own presence, keep your jewelry, perfume, cosmetics, and haircuts to a bare minimum. Wearing comfortable shoes is recommended because you may be asked to take a tour of the campus before or after the interview session. 

Prepare by doing some preliminary research on the school.

Although you should have done this when you prepared your medical school applications, it's a good idea to review your notes before interviewing at each specific medical school to ensure that you remember everything. It is likely that you will be asked not only why you want to go to medical school in general, but also what makes this particular medical school stand out from the rest. Whatever the question is, you should be prepared with an answer, whether it's a specific concentration, a specific academic department, or connections to a big hospital in the surrounding area. No matter what your motivations are, make sure they are crystal clear in your mind before going into each interview.


To save you time, here are some of the most frequently asked medical school interview questions. As you prepare for your interview, refer back to this comprehensive list to ensure that you are prepared to answer virtually any question that is thrown at you.

  • What characteristics distinguish an excellent doctor?
  • Which of the following characteristics do you believe is most important in a doctor?
  • What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of being a nurse?
  • How would you strike a balance between your outside hobbies and pursuing a degree?
  • What do you consider to be your finest and worst characteristics?
  • What responsibilities do you have to take care of?
  • What do you believe will be the most difficult aspect of completing medical school or learning how to become a doctor is the question?
  • Is there anything you can do if you are not accepted into medical school?
  • Do you read any medical journals or magazines?
  • Please inform me of any medical advancements or difficulties that you have learned about recently.
  • So, what exactly is the difference between primary and secondary health care?
  • What, in your opinion, creates a successful team?
  • What have you gained from your work experience, hobbies, or volunteer work in the community?
  • Whatever you did, be sure to explain how it aided your development.
  • What single healthcare intervention has the greatest potential to improve the overall health of a population?


Now that you've made it through the interview, all you have to do is wait for the decision letters. As for those who have already been admitted, congratulations! Shop for your medical supplies at NattyNurses.com


May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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