Are you too preoccupied with your work to spend time with your patients?

Because of overworked schedules and an understaffed ward, this is an all-too-common problem for many. However, in order to heal and care for your patients properly, you must interact with them as individuals.

Being able to interact efficiently will aid in the development of patient satisfaction and even the reduction of medical errors. Taking the elderly to the bathroom or assisting the sick to feed or change their clothing are some of the simple things you can do to show them that they are cared for.

Look at some basic strategies we've mentioned below if you need some help to figure out how to build a good relationship with your patients.

Make use of Plain Terms.

Always use plain English and avoid technical jargon if you want to be fully understood. This shows that you care for them on a personal level, allowing you to bridge the gap between you and the patient.

Never Give the Impression of Being Uninterested.

Conversations with patients, especially the elderly, take time because some of them have difficulty communicating exactly how they feel or what's going on in their minds. Give them your undivided attention and don't look rushed. This will show them that you truly care for their well-being.

Talk slowly and Clearly.

A warm, well-modulated voice will assist your patients in processing the knowledge you provide and committing to memory the tasks they must complete in order to improve.

To Interact and Examine, use your Hands.

Using your hands to make them understand what you're trying to convey if you can't draw a diagram. For example, you can illustrate how bone density prevents fractures by using your clenched fist and an open hand resisting your fist.

Pay Attention to Patients.

Your silent presence may often say more than a dozen hollow sentences. Giving your patient at least two minutes of your time to listen to their complaints will make them feel important and will give them the feeling that you are paying attention to them.

Always be able to hunker down and listen, no matter how mundane, trivial, or out of sight, their words seem to be. If you need an example, here's a humorous nurse story that exemplifies good listening!

Be Considerate.

Going the extra mile and having snacks or toys for the kids to eat or play with can help them heal quickly.

Always be prepared for the patient's needs.

Each patient has their own set of requirements and peculiarities. You will be able to offer your best effort if you take the time to get to know and patient individually and listen to their needs. Patients and their families are surprisingly perceptive and can recall the nurses who are doing exceptionally well.

Start Small Talk.

Patients will find you warm and welcoming if you actually inquire about how they slept last night or how they are feeling right now. You're not only doing the rounds but also keeping an eye on them in the same way that a close family member or loved one might. This is especially important nowadays, as many patients (particularly the elderly) miss their families because of their distance.

Be a Source of Inspiration for Others.

Always have a smile on your face. Tell them how much you want to see them get healthier and stronger. A simple show of positivity and concern will help lighten the patient's mood and motivate them to get better, particularly if they have no one else to turn to at the moment.

Seeing even one person rooting for them to get better has a significant effect on their desire to recover.

Tell them you'll see them again if at all possible.

Simple acts of kindness will make an enormous difference. If it's beyond your ability or the limitations of your busy schedule, inform the patient that you'll be seeing them again on your next shift (even if you don't have to!) Don't forget to introduce the incoming nurse as well!

Nurses do not have the time to ensure that they are able to communicate with and comfort their patients. It's important to note, however, that this is a job that should not be overlooked. It can be difficult to fit in these routine interactions, but following these basic guidelines can help you communicate with your patients and establish a nurse-patient rapport. Nothing makes you happier than seeing your patient's health and their ambiance take a positive turn for the better!

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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