As a nursing student or a nurse, you will know a lot about the noble profession. Nursing as you know is one of the most important professions today in the world which comprises a compassionate heart and scientific thinking. Like many people, they don't know some of the interesting facts about the nursing profession or nurses. 

  • In the United States, nurses are considered the most ethical and honest profession

Each year, in the U.S Gallup, do ask adults to rate the ethics and honesty of some professions and for 18 years, Americans have been rating the nursing profession as the most ethical and honest profession. 

The nursing profession has beat many other ethical and honest professions such as doctors, engineers, pharmacists, even clergymen. 

  • Nurses can also be doctors

This is very much true! A nurse can obtain a Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph.D.) or a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) which is the highest degree available in nursing.

  • There are numerous great paying nursing jobs in the U.S

In the U.S there are over 3,059,800 nursing jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and the nursing occupation is fast-growing and moving faster compared to other professions. 

  • Famous poet Walt Whitman was a nurse

The famous essayist and poet Walt Whitman during the Civil War worked as a volunteer nurse. Some of Walt's works include The Wound Dresser and the Memoranda During the War which reflected his nursing experience during battlefield.

  • Not all nurses work in the hospitals

Although about 60 percent of nurses work in hospitals, some others work in different sectors of healthcare services such as outpatient care centers, doctors' offices, residential care communities, and nursing homes, educational services, and government agencies. 

  • The first African American nurse was Mary Eliza

In 1878, Mary Eliza Mahoney enlisted in the nursing school which was operated by the New England Hospital for Women and Children. Only four completed the program out of the 42 students that enrolled for the program which Mary Eliza was among the four students

  • Florence Nightingale was the person who introduced sanitation practices in the nursing field and helped with the shaping of the nursing cap

Many of the sanitation practices and hygiene used in modern nursing was introduced by Florence Nightingale. Also, she helped with the shape of the uniform now worn by nurses most especially the cap. 

Nuns who cared for the sick for many decades wore veils and head coverings. During her lifetime, Florence's cap always sat on the top of her head which held her hair back. 

  • In a 12-hour shift, nurses walk an average of 4 to 5 miles

A recent study shows that in a 12-hour shift, nurses walk about 4 to 5 miles. In comparison, an average American adult walks 2.5 miles to 3 miles in an 18-hour day.

  • The nursing profession is satisfying

According to a report from Medscape's Nurse Career Satisfaction Report 2018, it said that most nurses are satisfied with their nursing jobs. In the survey of about 10,284 nurses which include nurse practitioners, RNs, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse anesthetists; they were asked to rate their job satisfaction. Most of them confirmed that they were happy with their jobs.

  • 2020 was the year of Midwife and Nurses

The World Health Organization designated the year 2020 as the year of Midwives and Nurses for the vital roles and their impact in providing health care. Also, it was noted that nurses are the first to care for the people in the community and they also face several challenging conditions. 


More than ever, and at the present moment nurses are essential to the community and they are some of the most interesting people you can ever meet. 

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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