Much has changed in the field of nursing in recent decades. For better or worse, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It's an essential aspect of their lives for young nurses who grew up in the digital age. They use it to stay in touch with friends and family and to keep track of important dates and events. Social media is now an integral part of the daily routine of many people.

The digital age presents us with several questions regarding what's proper and what's protected when it comes to healthcare. It's understandable that social media restrictions would appear out of touch and unnecessary to a generation used to documenting their life on the internet.

The generations raised before the widespread use of digital sharing had different personal privacy and professional conduct expectations. Also, they had a work ethic that distinguished between the two. 

Misuse can cause social media to be a dangerous tool. However, we can use technology to inform, enlighten, and bring people together.

Nursing and Social Media: What to Do and What Not to Do

The Dos of Social Media Usage

Using social media responsibly is an important part of being a nurse.

Proper use of social media has the potency to educate and inspire. As an illustration:

  • Nurses should write about their experiences on the job and share their wisdom with others.
  • Medical advancements, the latest nursing information, and public recognition of those making a difference are all worthy topics for tweeting about.
  • Become a member of professional organizations and organizations.
  • Post films offering professional advice, new technology, or safety precautions.

Don'ts of Social Media Usage

Patients, your organization, and your license all depend on your ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality and appropriateness. Posting on social media is a two-edged sword.

  • Don't waste time and money on social networking while at work.
  • Please abide by your company's social media guidelines.
  • Never update your personal accounts while at work.
  • Avoid discussing a patient in public.
  • Don't disparage a coworker on social media.
  • Post only official company information on social media.
  • Be careful not to publish unfavorable comments about your job as a nurse on social media.


Careless use of social media makes you appear unprofessional, inappropriate, and even cruel. It can put your company, coworkers, patients, or even your career at risk of a HIPAA violation. You must always think before you post.

May 12, 2023

Natasha Osei

Passionate Nurse Practitioner | People person
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